Comprehensive Falls Management

Managing falls in older adults requires interdisciplinary cooperation along with a biopsychosocial approach to assessment. Integration of physical therapy, occupational therapy, medical and psychological management, and pharmacology is needed to ensure all risk factors are addressed. Falls are predictable and preventable with comprehensive and accurate assessment of the patient. There are multiple resources that can assist the geriatric rehabilitation team. Browse some of these resources to assist your team.

The STEADI initiative provides a streamlined approach to assist healthcare providers in implementing the American and British Geriatrics Societies’ clinical practice guideline for fall prevention.

It is a good starting point to aid clinicians to begin using best practices. Some resources in the STEADI Initiative include: Coordinated Care Plan to Prevent Older Adult Falls, checklist for fall risk factors, STEADI Algorithm for Fall Risk Screening, Assessment and Intervention along with other resources for healthcare professionals, such as recommended functional assessment, medication review, infographics and fact sheets, and patient education brochures.

The first day of Fall is National Falls Awareness day. The American Physical Therapy Association and the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy have several resources for clinicians for community education and promotion on National Falls Awareness day..

Click here to access the Balance & Falls Special Interest Group of the AGPT.